Frequently Asked Questions
How do I transfer my prescription from another pharmacy to Preston’s?
Please call the pharmacy directly at 703-522-3412 for weight loss compounds or commercial medications or 571-341-8787 for all other compounded medications. We will get the required information to request the transfer of your medication from your current pharmacy. We may also need to see your insurance card and gather some basic information.
How do I order refills?
Please call the pharmacy directly. For all commercial and weight loss compounds, please call our Arlington location at 703-522-3412. For all other compounded medications, please call 571-341-8787. You may also use our website by hitting RX refills on the top menu. Please have your Rx # handy when ordering refills that will help expedite the process.
What should I do with my leftover medication?
Once dispensed, the medications cannot be taken back by the pharmacy. Unused medication should not be flushed down the toilet or put in the trash either. Each county has drug take back days usually biannually and some police stations also have drug drop off boxes. Please refer to your county’s website for that information or call the pharmacy for assistance.
Are medications covered by insurance?
All compounded medications are not covered by insurance. Upon request, we can provide you with an insurance claim form which will contain the list of drugs used and the cost for the pharmacy. You will pay the pharmacy up front for your medication, and submit your claim form directly to your insurance. For commercial medications, our team will be happy to run your prescription under your insurance to check the coverage. You can also call your insurance to see if your prescribed medication is under your formulary.
Can someone pick up my medication for me?
You can have your friend or family member pick up your medication. They need to be able to verify your information. They will also be required to sign and pay any balance that is due. We may also need to see their driver’s license, or a government issued ID. Please notify the pharmacy if someone else is picking up your medication to avoid any confusion.
What do I do if I miss a dose?
What needs to be done when you miss a dose depends on the type of drug and direction for use. Please call the pharmacy and ask to speak to the pharmacist so we can help you answer that better.
How do I get my medication if I am out of town?
If you are planning to go on vacation and your medication will run out while you are away, discuss your needs with our team member as early as possible. This way we can ensure that we call your insurance for any overrides that you may need and order enough medication for your entire trip.
What should I do if my medication does not look the same as last time?
Same medications from different manufacturers may look different. Compounded medications may differ in color or texture slightly. Always call the pharmacy if you have any questions or concerns about whether you have received the right drug.