Topical & Oral Instructions
Rotate application sites. If you apply the medication to the same area every time, the hormone receptors will become saturated and will not be able to absorb all the medication. For the best results, rotate the application sites among several locations on your body. Good sites include the inner arm, inner thigh, lower back, and stomach.
Use a gentle touch to rub the product in completely. These topical products are designed to be absorbed easily. Use a light touch similar to how you would apply moisturizing cream. If you are using a Topi-CLICK applicator, use the top of the applicator itself to apply the medication. Rub in until the product is completely absorbed into the skin. Wash your hands thoroughly with warm, soapy water.
Allow the medication to dry completely. After you have applied the medication, allow for the application site to dry completely before getting dressed or showering to avoid transferring the medication to the fabric or washing the medication off.
Do not share towels with other household members. This will prevent any unabsorbed medication from accidentally being transferred to another family member.
Use care when removing troches from the tray. Carefully remove by gently prying up a corner of the troche with your finger.
Do not chew or swallow these medications. These compounds are designed to deliver the medication to your bloodstream directly through the lining in your mouth.
Do not eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes after taking these medications.
Store at room temperate between 60-80 degrees F. Keep away from moisture and sunlight. Keep out of reach from children and pets.