Expanding Your Practice: Adding A Weight Loss Program
Research from the Milken Institute discovered that “the total cost of chronic diseases due to American obesity and overweight was $1.7 trillion— equivalent to 9.3% of the GPD.”
General Consultation: Here’s What You’ll Learn
Discuss current available treatments for the management of weight loss that has proven effective
Assess patient’s eligibility through BMI and weight-related health conditions as well as using patients medical history and blood work
Review the steps in order to set up an account with a lab to submit blood work
Discuss medications commonly prescribed and how they work for patients in terms of timelines to see results and overcome common side effects
Discuss how to monitor progress and how to adjust dosing based on current weight loss and patient feedback
Discuss the benefit of working with compounding pharmacies for helping to manage weight loss for patients
Review stability considerations for the ingredients discussed in various dosage forms
Review several sample formulas consistent with the discussed ingredients and routes of administration
Discuss recommended diet and exercise plans in congruence with mediation for a healthy lifestyle, maximum weight loss, and overall health benefits
With an in-depth consultation, prescribers will receive and discuss all relevant documentation, resources, & supplies to get a weight loss program up and running.
You will receive all information from the general consultation & the extra resources will include:
patient intake forms
weight loss injectable dosing schedule, ingredients, & injection guide
business model & pricing guide
patient documents
other correlated drugs
social media posts
and more!!
In-Depth Consultation: Here’s What You’ll Receive
Hosted by Alana Heyrana, Weight Loss Specialist
Alana Heyrana is a graduate of the College of Pharmacy at Midwestern University. She has experience in various pharmaceutical settings, including hospital, retail, and compounding pharmacy.
Since joining Preston’s Pharmacy, Alana has been focused on the pharmacy’s impact specifically on weight loss. She has great experience working with providers and patients on weight loss solutions that work both for practices and individually.