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Are you aware that regular, quality sleep can often surpass the health benefits of numerous medications or supplements? Presenting a guide crafted by us, this resource provides steps designed to improve your sleep quality. Although it may not be practical to follow every recommendation to the letter, making a consistent effort can lead to significant enhancements in your sleep habits as time goes on.

Behavioral Strategies for Enhanced Sleep

  • Strive for a regular sleep routine by going to bed and getting out of bed within an hour of your established sleep schedule.
  • Reduce exposure to screens at least one hour prior to your bedtime and incorporate calming activities instead.
  • Incorporate a relaxation techniques into your evening ritual.
  • Make sure to exercise sometime throughout your day, as it changes in energy use and body temperature promote solid sleep.
  • Stop eating food three hours before laying down at night and stop caffeine consumption at around 2pm.

Sleep Environment Tips

To promote better sleep, ensure your sleeping environment is as dark as possible. Additionally, expose yourself to morning sunlight for around 10 minutes on clear days and 20-30 minutes on overcast days without wearing sunglasses to help regulate your body’s internal clock. A cooler room often promotes better sleep, so it is recommended to keep the rooms temperature between 60-71 F.

Dietary Considerations for Better Sleep

To promote stable blood sugar levels and minimize sleep disruptions, focus on a balanced diet. Reduce processed carbohydrates and refined sugars throughout the day. Opt for complex carbohydrates primarily at dinner rather than breakfast or lunch, and avoid eating large meals within three hours of bedtime.

Next, manage your fluid intake. Aim to consume the majority of your daily fluids, around 64 ounces, before 3 pm. Reduce your fluid intake in the evening to minimize nighttime bathroom trips that can disrupt your sleep. Finally, limit caffeine intake, especially after 2pm, and keep overall coffee consumption to no more than two cups per day. Moderate your alcohol intake as well, aiming for no more than two servings per week.

Better Sleep with Preston’s Pharmacy

Implementing these lifestyle, surroundings, and dietary recommendations can greatly enhance the quality of your sleep. Although it may require some time to adapt, dedicating yourself to these modifications can result in a substantial improvement in both your sleep routine and general health. For added help sleeping, try supplements like Melatonin, Magnesium, Lavender, and more. Get all your necessary sleep aids at Preston’s Pharmacy or ask your pharmacist if you have any further questions about getting better sleep.