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Jack Newman's Nipple Ointment

Newman's ointment has a combination of ingredients that work together to treat the multiple possible causes of soreness from breastfeeding. These ingredients include:

  • mupirocin: kills the bacteria formed in cracked, irritated nipples
  • betamethasone: decreases inflammation that is the main cause of nipple pain and soreness
  • miconazole: treats fungus that causes infections in breastfeeding mothers
  • lanolin: keeps the nipple moisturized

All-purpose nipple ointment (APNO) is made up of three different medications:

  • Antibiotic: this medication helps heal nipple pain by stopping the growth of bacteria
  • Anti-inflammatory: this medication helps heal nipple pain by reducing the swelling caused by infection, skin irritation, or injury
  • Anti-fungal: this medication helps by fighting fungal (yeast) infections

How to apply APNO:

Apply APNO by placing a small amount onto your nipple and areola after breastfeeding. You do not need to wash the ointment off before the next feeding.

How long to use APNO:

Use APNO until your nipples are pain-free, then gradually decrease the amount you use for another 7 to 10 days. You should begin to see and feel results within a few days.

APNO is for short-term use only. Thinning of the skin has been reported with long-term use. If your breast soreness and symptoms do not get better after using for 7 to 10 days, contact your healthcare provider or a lactation consultant.
If you have any questions about your APNO, please call Preston's Pharmacy at (703) 522-3412.