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Your eyes are often the first thing someone notices when they look at you. What better way to look and feel confident than with striking, luscious eyelashes? Whether you’re a makeup enthusiast or someone seeking a natural enhancement, Obagi Nu-CIL Eyelash Enhancing Serum might just be the secret ingredient missing from your beauty routine.

For many, achieving longer, fuller eyelashes has been an ongoing pursuit. False lashes, mascara, and extensions have long been the go-to solutions. However, they often involve temporary fixes that can be time-consuming and even damaging to your natural lashes. Enter OBAGI Nu-CIL, a cutting-edge eyelash-enhancing serum designed to transform your lashes from ordinary to extraordinary.

What Makes OBAGI Nu-CIL Special?

Advanced Formula

OBAGI Nu-CIL contains a unique combination of ingredients that work synergistically to promote the natural growth and health of your eyelashes. This includes a powerful mix of substances that strengthen your eyelashes including peptides, biotin, panthenol, and antioxidants. This fortifies and conditions lashes at their root, encouraging healthier, longer-looking lashes.

Scientifically Proven Results

OBAGI Nu-CIL has shown impressive results in enhancing lash length, thickness, and density over time in research and clinical studies. Users have reported visible improvements in as little as 4-6 weeks, with continued use leading to more dramatic and long-lasting results.

Easy Application

The serum comes with a user-friendly applicator, allowing for precise and effortless application along the lash line. Incorporating it into your nightly skincare routine takes mere seconds, making it an easily manageable addition to your beauty regimen.

Safety and Quality Assurance

OBAGI, a renowned name in skincare, is synonymous with quality and safety. The Nu-CIL Eyelash Enhancing Serum is ophthalmologist-tested and fragrance-free, ensuring it’s gentle on the sensitive skin around the eyes and suitable for those with sensitive eyes or contact lens wearers.

Incorporating OBAGI Nu-CIL into Your Routine

Consistency is Key

For optimal results, consistency is crucial. Applying the serum once daily, preferably in the evening after cleansing your face, allows the ingredients to work their magic overnight. Patience is key – while individual results may vary, most users notice visible improvements within a few weeks.

Complementing Your Beauty Regimen

OBAGI Nu-CIL complements your existing beauty routine. Whether you prefer a natural look or enjoy experimenting with makeup, having fuller, longer lashes can enhance any style, accentuating your eyes and overall appearance.

Embracing Confidence

Beauty is not just about aesthetics; it’s about feeling confident in your skin. OBAGI Nu-CIL not only enhances your lashes but also boosts your confidence, allowing you to flaunt your natural beauty effortlessly.

Why should I buy this product and where can I get it?

OBAGI Nu-CIL Eyelash Enhancing Serum offers a promising solution for those seeking to enhance their lashes naturally. With its scientifically backed formula, ease of use, and visible results, it stands as a game-changer in the quest for beautiful lashes. Embrace the opportunity to unlock the potential of your lashes and enjoy the newfound confidence that comes with flutter-worthy eyes.

Preston’s Pharmacy!

Come check out this popular serum at Preston’s or order through our online shopify! We are happy to talk with you about Obagi’s eyelash serum, or any of our other Obagi products, and see if it would be a good fit for you.

Contact our Compounding Account Manager, Nick DiStefano, with any questions at