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The body requires essential vitamins to work at its most optimal state. Due to deficiencies in diet or environmental exposures, it is easy to be lacking in some of these important nutrients. It is ideal to figure out these vitamin deficiencies to be able to supplement and increase quality of life to become your best self!

How to know if you have a vitamin deficiency

There are everyday signs and symptoms that can be easily overlooked but may potentially be due to vitamin deficiencies. These signs can include:

  • Fatigue
  • Dry skin or dry scalp (dandruff)
  • Mood swings
  • Easy bruising, bleeding, poor wound healing.

To determine if these signs and symptoms are due to vitamin deficiencies, there are tests that can be done to see which specific vitamins need to be supplemented. The most common diagnostic test would be through bloodwork such as a complete blood count and other more specific blood tests.

Vitamin deficiency treatment & prevention

As vitamins are typically needed in small amounts to maintain balance, some lower deficiencies can be treated with changes in diet. Increasing consumption of foods like fish, eggs, leafy green veggies and more can increase vitamin deficiencies. However, if these changes are difficult to implement or the deficiency is extreme—this supplementation may need to be done through other means such as oral or injectable vitamin supplements. 

Preston’s Pharmacy offers a wide range of IV/IM Vitamin injectables to help patients with these vitamin deficiencies or just to maintain proper vitamin levels. These offerings include Vitamin B12, B-Complex, Vitamin C, Biotin, Vitamin D3, and more. Vitamin B, including biotin, helps prevent brittle hair, skin, and nails and can help with fatigue amongst a plethora of other symptoms. Vitamin C helps with boosting the immune system and a deficiency can lead to easy bruising, bleeding, and poor wound healing. Vitamin D3 is important to prevent bone fractures or muscle weakness. 

Reach out to Preston’s Pharmacy today by calling (571) 341-8787 or emailing to get started with proper supplementation and get your body to its most optimal state!