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Types of Adult Acne

Acne develops from pores clogged with oil or dead skin cells and appear commonly on the face, chest, or upper back. The majority of individuals are able to use everyday or over-the-counter products to effectively treat adult acne. Acne can come in various forms such as: 

  • Black head: Open clogged pores 
  • White Head: Closed clogged pores
  • Pimples: papules with pus at the tip 
  • Papules: red, tender bumps 
  • Nodules: large, painful bumps under the skin

Look For Specific Ingredients

For mild-moderate adult acne, the following active ingredients can effectively treat acne. For the best results, the product should be used continuously for at least 6 weeks:

  • Adapalene (0.1%) is a type of retinoid that can be used for acne or rosacea. It is available as a cream, gel, or lotion. It can help clear pores and reduce inflammation.
  • Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%) may be used alone or combined with adapalene to more effectively treat acne. Wash your hands thoroughly after use because it may bleach clothing. It has mild antibacterial properties. It is best for inflammatory acne, white heads and black heads. 
  • Azelaic Acid (10%) can help clear pores, kill bacteria, and lighten dark spots. It also works as an exfoliant. It is also less irritating than salicylic acid. It is available in brands such as the Inkey List, Paula’s Choice, or The Ordinary. It can come in formulations such as suspended cream, serums and lotions and is best for sensitive, dry skin. 
  • Salicylic acid (2%) can help unclog pores and is most effective on black and white heads. It is better for oily skin and is available as

Adult Acne Treatment

It is recommended to start with the lowest strength of each solution to reduce irritation. You should first cleanse the face, apply a thin layer across the face (not just spot treatment), and apply a moisturizer. If used in the morning, it is recommended to apply sunscreen of at least SPF 30. Common side effects include red skin, irritation, burning (especially in sensitive skin), or scaling. If you develop scars or dark spots (overproduction of melanin) or do not see improvement in your skin, you may want to see a dermatologist who can develop a treatment plan or prescribe stronger products for your adult acne.

Treatment Forms

Different formulations:

  • Gels: Light, airy, and oil-free. Best for acne prone, oily skin as it has high water content so it evaporates quickly without leaving an oily residue. 
  • Creams: Contains a combination of water and oil. Best for dry skin 
  • Lotions: Higher water content than cream but available as oil-free options, so it can be good for combination, oily skin. 

Preston’s Pharmacy offers a generous supply of over-the-counter adult acne medications. Our Fall’s Church location has a limited selection of skin care treatment, or stop by our Arlington location for a full selection of treatment options. If over-the-counter acne treatments aren’t working for you, talk to your dermatologist about compounded acne medications, designed specifically for you!

For more information, visit us in store or contact one of our pharmacists today!

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