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What is CBD?

CBD is derived from cannabis (hemp) plants. The hemp oil that is extracted from the plant is where the high concentrations of CBD reside. The hemp oil is very high in CBD and very low in THC, which is why it has health benefits with out being capable of inducing a high.

When absorbed by the body, CBD interacts with the naturally occurring Endocannabinoid system. The ECS is responsible for maintaining balance in the body and its functions. Some of these functions include regulation of mood, sleep, appetite, and immune response.

As a nutritional source, hemp oil is naturally rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, Terpenes, vitamins, Amino Acids, and Antioxidants. This is one very good reason why Hemp oil and CBD are a great daily supplement for good health. CBD also has anti-inflammatory properties which make it a great option for relief of pain caused by inflammation in the body. Other reasons people use it are: decreasing anxiety, sleep issues, nausea, pain, and looking for a general feeling of well being.


CBD is available in a growing number of applications and delivery methods such as full-spectrum CBD oil tincture, CBD oil roll on for pain relief, topical creams and oils for arthritis, gummies, vapes and sublingual tinctures. There are new products entering the market.

As with any supplement or substance, it is always advisable, to begin with a low dosage and work your way up to find the optimum dosage for your body type and specific symptoms. CBD has been found to be safe for humans in moderate amounts. Up to 1,500 mg per day is generally well tolerated by most people. It is considered to be low-risk and is often recommended as a supplemental treatment. Side effects are often minor and can include dry mouth, dizziness, fatigue and abdominal upset.

Finding the correct effective dosage will vary by body weight, lifestyle, and exposure to other substances. Alcohol, THC, opioids, and amphetamines compromise the Endocannabinoid system and may require a period of abstinence or higher dosages of CBD. Caffeine, nicotine, NSAIDs, and the cortisol resulting from chronic exposure to stress can affect the dosage needed.

A good rule of thumb for beginners would be to first consult your physician before beginning any treatment regimen. As for dosage, begin slowly and increase as needed. Your personal results may vary.

What is CDB used for?

Th most popular use for medical cannabis is pain treatment. Recently, CBD is being used for a variety of other treatments.

Beauty and skincare products containing CBD are becoming more popular and are appearing on store shelves everywhere. With it’s mind and body relaxing powers, you can take some stress off your immune system as you fight many different illnesses. The three most common illness CBD is used for are cancer nausea, covid, and opioid withdrawal.

Medical cannabis has been reported to help not only the body but the mind, too. This includes treating anxiety, affective disorders, PTSD, depression, insomnia, psychotic disorders, schizophrenia, and ADHD.

It is also used for pets. Pets have cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body and brain. These receptors work on pain, mood, appetite and inflammation which help restore normal balance and homeostasis. And just as CBD has helped humans, your pets can reap the same health-boosting benefits. It can help pets who suffer from separation anxiety or noise phobias; it can protect the nervous system and help with neurodegenerative diseases; and it can increase appetite and aid with nausea.

Preston’s Pharmacy

Preston’s Pharmacy in Arlington sells over-the-counter CBD oils. We proudly support Ananda Professional, as this company has the highest standard and quality control. Some other popular brands include Koi CBD and CBDMD. Ask your pharmacist today about offered CBD oils, or get more information at