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What are radiofrequency (RF) treatments?

Radiofrequency devices deliver radio waves to the skin’s surface, generating heat that penetrates deep into the skin’s layers. The waves that heat the underlying surface of the skin causes new skin cell production. Overall, this electromagnetic device generates heat to stimulate collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. These proteins give skin cells more strength and flexibility, ultimately tightening, firming, and lifting the skin. As a result, sagging skin regains its firm shape and feel, giving a more youthful appearance. 

What are RF treatments used for?

RF treatments are used for tightening and lifting, skin retexturing, and contouring. Radiofrequency triggers the body’s natural healing process, which leads to the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. These natural components fill out the skin, allowing for the tightening and lifting effect. For skin retexturing, RF treatments can also be combined with microneedling. Microneedling is a procedure that utilizes a device that punctures the skin with tiny needles. The combination of radiofrequency and microneedling treatments allow for greater skin turnover and regeneration. Lastly, RF can also be used in contouring. When the heat is raised high enough, cell apoptosis or cell death can occur on the targeted fat cells. Radiofrequency skin tightening can give the results of a facelift without the need for surgery.

Other benefits can include:
  • gradual, natural looking skin changes
  • fast, relatively painless procedure
  • less expensive and invasive than cosmetic surgeries
  • no peeling skin or scarring
  • speedy recovery with no missed work or activities

What are possible side effects?

  • Mild, temporary redness and swelling
  • Mild, temporary pain
  • Breakouts 
  • Unintended fat loss & body tissue damage
  • Neck stiffness
  • Burns (if the heat is too high)
  • Scaly or itchy skin

Skin Care to Make Radiofrequency Treatments More Comfortable

During a radiofrequency treatment, you may feel some pain or discomfort as the waves penetrate the skin. In order to aid in your comfort, you will probably be given a topical or injectable numbing agent.

Preston’s Pharmacy sells three different types of numbing cream at $1/gram.
  1. Benzocaine 20%/Lidocaine 10%/Tetracaine 4% Topical Cream (the strongest acting)
  2. Benzocaine 20%/Lidocaine 6%/Tetracaine 4%/DMSO 10% Topical Lipoderm (the fasted acting)
  3. Lidocaine 23%/Tetracaine 7% Topical Ointment (the most popular)
    • Lidocaine 23%/Tetracaine 7%  Plasticized Base (for laser treatments)
    • Lidocaine 23%/Tetracaine 7% Transdermal Base (for microneedling)

After a radiofrequency treatment, you may experience some redness and swelling. Avoid sweat-inducing activities and go makeup and skincarefree, if possible, for the first three days after treatment. Do not get follow-up chemical peel or laser treatments for at least two to three weeks following an RF treatment. Preston’s Pharmacy makes a compounded healing balm that is an anti-inflammatory and a redness reduction topical medication.

Preston’s Pharmacy’s After Care Balm is available for sale on our website at $50/10gm.

It is an anti-inflammatory and anti-redness hydrating balm, consisting of Beta Glucan 0.5%, Sodium Hyaluronate 2%, Balm 0.5%, and 2% Ointment. 

RF before and after treatments
For more information on any of our radiofrequency products, visit our website or give one of our trusted pharmacies a call. Preston’s Pharmacy is a trusted, accredited company that values serving our customers well and in a timely manner! Give us your feedback in a Google review!