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A wart is a common viral infection caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are many different strains of this virus causing different types of warts, but specific tests are usually not necessary.

Wart removal:

  1. Soak the wart in warm water for 5 minutes prior to application.
  2. Gently file the surface of thick warts with nail file or pumice stone.
  3. Apply this medicine directly to wart, avoiding normal skin.
  4. Once medicine dries completely, cover medicated wart with duct tape.
  5. Leave tape in place overnight or, if possible, for 24 hours.
  6. Repeat these steps nightly until the wart is gone.
  7. Expect skin of wart to appear moist and white during treatment. If the skin becomes too irritated, then take a treatment break.

Helpful Tips:

  • Warts caused by HPV can spread! If you use a file or pumice stone to file the wart, do not use it anywhere else.
  • Apply petroleum jelly to protect the skin around the wart as needed.
  • Treatment length may vary. It can take anywhere from 2-4 months.
  • Do not use this medicine on the face or groin area unless instructed by your physician.

Note: Warts normally produce rough, scaly skin. A urea nail gel may be co-prescribed as a skin softening agent in order to treat these skin conditions as well as soften the wart itself. Soak wart in warm water for 5 minutes and dry area thoroughly. Apply nail gel and wait for gel to dry up. File down softened wart with nail file/pumice stone and proceed to apply remover medication. Once the medication has dried up completely, cover affected area with duct tape.

Preston’s Pharmacy

Preston’s Pharmacy compounds a topical wart removal medication, with ingredients including: Salicylic acid, Fluorouracil, Imiquimod, & Cimetidine. Topical medications are a less intrusive and less painful way to remove and treat warts. Talk to your doctor today about compounded wart removal medication, and speak to your pharmacist about our effective combination of ingredients by calling (571) 341-8787.