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What is a thyroid gland?

The thyroid gland is a small gland located towards the front of your neck under your skin and it is an organ that is apart of your endocrine system. This organ produces hormones that provide your entire body with energy, keeps it warm, and keeps all your organs working properly.

Does my thyroid gland play a role in my weight?

Yes! There is an important relationship between your thyroid and body weight because your thyroid hormones help regulate metabolism in your body. Metabolism is determined by measuring the amount of energy your body uses over a period of time in a resting state to keep you alive. This is known as your basal metabolic rate (BMR).

How can I maintain a healthy thyroid?

It is important to eat a well-balanced diet! In order to help limit inflammation in the intestine and promote thyroid health, you can try the Mediterranean diet consisting of:

  • fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, fish and seafood, nuts and seeds, and healthy oils

How does BMR affect my weight?

Changes to your BMR will directly affect your level of energy which will influence the number of calories you eat per day. This balance will result in weight gain or weight loss. BMR is unique to each person and knowing your BMR can help you cut calories you’re your diet in order lose weight safely. Calculate your BMR by clicking here.

Hyperthyroidism & Hypothyroidism

Hyperthyroidism means your body is producing too much thyroid hormone and your body will have a high BMR. This means that your body will need more calories consumed per day to maintain your body weight, and if you do not increase the number of calories you eat per day to match this increased BMR, your body will enter into a weight loss state.

On the other hand, hypothyroidism means your body is producing too little thyroid hormone and your body will have a low BMR. This means that your body will need less calories consumed per day to maintain your body weight, and if you do not decrease the number of calories you eat per day to match this decreased BMR, your body will enter into a weight gain state.

Can I use thyroid hormone to help me lose weight?

Thyroid hormones have commonly been used to help patients lose weight in combination with a healthy diet. However, once the thyroid hormone treatment stops, the weight you have lost will slowly be gained back. Talk with your primary care about the pros and cons of this therapy to see if it’s a safe option for you!

Preston’s Pharmacy offers compounded thyroid medication! If you are experiencing thyroid health issues, talk to your doctor today about receiving medication to help balance out your hormones.