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Microneedling is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves creating tiny punctures in the skin’s surface to stimulate collagen production and improve overall skin texture. Microneedling is amazing for revitalizing your skin, but taking care of it before and after the procedure is crucial. Whether you’re experienced or just starting, here’s what you need to know about the best care products and practices.

Pre-Treatment Care Products & Practices

  1. Shield from the Sun: Refrain from sun exposure, including sunbathing, tanning beds, and self-tanning, for a minimum of 2-4 weeks prior to and following your microneedling session. 
  2. Retinol Hiatus: Avoid using any products containing retinol for a period of 3 days before your treatment.
  3. Cold Sore Caution: If you’ve experienced cold sores or herpes outbreaks in the past, it’s important to inform your provider. They can prescribe antiviral medication to prevent any potential flare-ups during and after the treatment, ensuring a smoother healing process.
  4. Mild Cleansers: Before your appointment, opt for mild cleansers for the three days leading up to it, avoiding anything with potent exfoliants or fragrances. 
  5. Numbing Cream: Preston’s specialized numbing cream is applied by your doctor 30 minutes prior to treatment. It is comprised of Lidocaine 23%, Tetracaine 7%, and Phenylephrine 2% to minimize patient discomfort and maximize the patient experience. 

Post-Treatment Care Products & Practices

After your microneedling session, your skin will work hard to repair and renew itself. Here’s how to create the perfect aftercare routine to help it along:

  1. Be Gentle: No strenuous workouts for 48 hours. Skip hot baths and showers too. 
  2. Avoid Harsh Products:  It’s best to avoid products containing harsh ingredients such as sulfur or retinol, exfoliants, and hydroquinone for 2 weeks as they can exacerbate irritation on your healing skin.  
  3. Embrace Gentle Cleansing: Say goodbye to harsh scrubs and hello to gentle cleansers! 
  4. Hydrate & Protect: Pat your skin dry and hydrate with moisturizers.
  5. Preston’s After Care Balm: Preston’s specially formulated After Care Balm is designed to soothe and protect your skin after microneedling.
  6.  Sunscreen is Key: Apply SPF daily and cover up with a hat or protective clothing for at least 2 weeks.

Preston’s After Care Balm

Our compounding pharmacy has created a unique and credible balm to use after your microneedling procedure. The following ingredients and concentrations are what make it so special:

  1. Beta Glucan (0.5%): This powerful ingredient supports your skin’s natural healing process. It reduces redness, inflammation, and promotes collagen production.
  2. Sodium Hyaluronate (2%): It attracts and retains moisture, leaving your skin extra hydrated.
  3. Balm Texture: Our balm provides a protective barrier without clogging pores. 

For further information or questions, please call our pharmacists at (571) 341-8787 or shoot them an email at To get our product today, buy now on our shopify for only $50!